wSAST Code Analyzer

Flexible static code analysis framework for consultants and developers.

Code Searching

The wSAST framework also provides the ability to search the codebase under analysis. Searching can be performed against the processed source code (via the knowledge base) or directly against the ASTs. Searching not only allows identification of specific types and functions etc. within the code but also allows for listing of calls to and from these, and the listing of paths between functions.

kdbsearch   Search knowledge base entries
    kdbsearch  [...]
                - comma separated regex of KDB entries (multiple means OR, ! prefix means AND NOT)
        [types]         - [g]lobal, [n]amespace, [i]nterface, [cl]ass, [m]ethod, [co]nstructor, [b]lock, [v]ariable
astsearch    Search AST
    astsearch  [...]
                - comma separated regex (multiple means OR, ! prefix means AND NOT)
        [types]         - [t]ype, [l]abel, [v]alue
        [--filter=]     - comma separated regex of KDB entries (multiple means OR, ! prefix means AND NOT)
calls       List calls to and from specific methods
    calls   [...]
             - to, from
                - comma separated regex of KDB method entries (multiple means OR, ! prefix means AND NOT)
        [depth]         - depth of calls to trace (default: 99999)
paths       Find paths connecting functions
    paths   [depth]
          - comma separated regex of KDB entries (multiple means OR, ! prefix means AND NOT)
            - comma separated regex of KDB entries (multiple means OR, ! prefix means AND NOT)
        [depth]         - depth of calls to trace (default: 99999)

Knowledge Base Search

The knowledge base (kdb) contains information on all analyzed code after translation to WSIL. After analysis the entire knowledge base is written to a project file (knowledgedb.txt) along with all known entrypoints (entrypoints.txt).

The knowledge base can be searched by regular expressions using the famililar syntax allowing for both inclusive and exclusive matching. In addition to regex it is possible to filter by the code object type being searched (for example, classes, methods, variables).

An example of searching for all methods matching doPost, all classes matching Register and all variables matching Pass or pass follows:

Command>  kdbsearch .*?doPost.* m
METHOD       org.cysecurity.cspf.jvl.controller.AddPage.doPost[1]
    C:\wsast\examples\JavaVulnerableLab-master\src\main\java\org\cysecurity\cspf\jvl\controller\ (line 100)

METHOD       org.cysecurity.cspf.jvl.controller.EmailCheck.doPost[1]
    C:\wsast\examples\JavaVulnerableLab-master\src\main\java\org\cysecurity\cspf\jvl\controller\ (line 93)

METHOD       org.cysecurity.cspf.jvl.controller.ForwardMe.doPost[1]
    C:\wsast\examples\JavaVulnerableLab-master\src\main\java\org\cysecurity\cspf\jvl\controller\ (line 76)

METHOD       org.cysecurity.cspf.jvl.controller.Install.doPost[1]
    C:\wsast\examples\JavaVulnerableLab-master\src\main\java\org\cysecurity\cspf\jvl\controller\ (line 210)

METHOD       org.cysecurity.cspf.jvl.controller.Logout.doPost[1]
    C:\wsast\examples\JavaVulnerableLab-master\src\main\java\org\cysecurity\cspf\jvl\controller\ (line 71)

METHOD       org.cysecurity.cspf.jvl.controller.Open.doPost[1]
    C:\wsast\examples\JavaVulnerableLab-master\src\main\java\org\cysecurity\cspf\jvl\controller\ (line 75)

METHOD       org.cysecurity.cspf.jvl.controller.Register.doPost[1]
    C:\wsast\examples\JavaVulnerableLab-master\src\main\java\org\cysecurity\cspf\jvl\controller\ (line 107)

METHOD       org.cysecurity.cspf.jvl.controller.SendMessage.doPost[1]
    C:\wsast\examples\JavaVulnerableLab-master\src\main\java\org\cysecurity\cspf\jvl\controller\ (line 96)

METHOD       org.cysecurity.cspf.jvl.controller.UsernameCheck.doPost[1]
    C:\wsast\examples\JavaVulnerableLab-master\src\main\java\org\cysecurity\cspf\jvl\controller\ (line 92)

METHOD       org.cysecurity.cspf.jvl.controller.XPathQuery.doPost[1]
    C:\wsast\examples\JavaVulnerableLab-master\src\main\java\org\cysecurity\cspf\jvl\controller\ (line 99)

METHOD       org.cysecurity.cspf.jvl.controller.xxe.doPost[1]
    C:\wsast\examples\JavaVulnerableLab-master\src\main\java\org\cysecurity\cspf\jvl\controller\ (line 90)

Command>  kdbsearch .*?Register.* cl
CLASS        org.cysecurity.cspf.jvl.controller.Register
    C:\wsast\examples\JavaVulnerableLab-master\src\main\java\org\cysecurity\cspf\jvl\controller\ (line 26)

Command>  kdbsearch .*?[Pp]ass.* v
VARIABLE     org.cysecurity.cspf.jvl.controller.Install.dbpass
    C:\wsast\examples\JavaVulnerableLab-master\src\main\java\org\cysecurity\cspf\jvl\controller\ (line 33)

VARIABLE     org.cysecurity.cspf.jvl.controller.Install.adminpass
    C:\wsast\examples\JavaVulnerableLab-master\src\main\java\org\cysecurity\cspf\jvl\controller\ (line 37)

VARIABLE     org.cysecurity.cspf.jvl.controller.LoginValidator.processRequest[1].[1].pass
    C:\wsast\examples\JavaVulnerableLab-master\src\main\java\org\cysecurity\cspf\jvl\controller\ (line 44)

VARIABLE     org.cysecurity.cspf.jvl.controller.LoginValidator.processRequest[1].[1].[1].[1].[1].[1].password
    C:\wsast\examples\JavaVulnerableLab-master\src\main\java\org\cysecurity\cspf\jvl\controller\ (line 64)

VARIABLE     org.cysecurity.cspf.jvl.controller.Register.processRequest[1].[1].[1].pass
    C:\wsast\examples\JavaVulnerableLab-master\src\main\java\org\cysecurity\cspf\jvl\controller\ (line 44)

VARIABLE     org.cysecurity.cspf.jvl.controller.XPathQuery.processRequest[1].[1].[1].pass
    C:\wsast\examples\JavaVulnerableLab-master\src\main\java\org\cysecurity\cspf\jvl\controller\ (line 36)

VARIABLE     org.cysecurity.cspf.jvl.model.DBConnect.connect[1].[1].dbpass
    C:\wsast\examples\JavaVulnerableLab-master\src\main\java\org\cysecurity\cspf\jvl\model\ (line 28)


Powerful Function Call Listing

wSAST provides the ability to graph calls to and from methods matching specific names using regular expressions. The depth of the call stacks to and from the specified methods can be constrained. This can be used in an ongoing fashion when specific vulnerable functions are identified to quickly formulate potential attack paths.

Calls to specific methods:

Calls from specific methods:

Path Analysis

wSAST facilitates the discovery of paths between methods matching specific names and can print all matching flows. This can be used to quickly connect known classes or methods of interest, such as those involved with user inputs and database access.

Dataflow Analysis

Explorer the Dataflow Analyzer which forms the core capability of wSAST.

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Static Analysis

Learn more about the Static Analysis capabilities.

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Code Graphing

Discover the powerful code graphing capabilities which can aid you in code exploration.

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Code Searching

See how code searching can help you quickly determine possible paths to exploitation.

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