wSAST Code Analyzer

Flexible static code analysis framework for consultants and developers.


Contact Support

To contact support simply email or message @wsastsupport on Twitter. While in alpha/beta release support will be limited.

Developer Support

Developer support including documentation on writing rules, subscribers, and language support is yet to be written.

Basic documentation for wSAST can be found here.

Basic documentation for the Common Rules Engine can be found here.

Known Issues

All known issues will be documented here; please submit any bugs to support and I will track them.

Dataflow Analysis

Explorer the Dataflow Analyzer which forms the core capability of wSAST.

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Static Analysis

Learn more about the Static Analysis capabilities.

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Code Graphing

Discover the powerful code graphing capabilities which can aid you in code exploration.

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Code Searching

See how code searching can help you quickly determine possible paths to exploitation.

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